But the destruction of a lot of the country of Vietnam for no reason is much worse I think. : /
It wasn't exactly for no reason, America was defending the South from the North communist government who were the invaders. People forget the US never actually went into North Vietnam except for maybe a few covert missions and bombing raids, it was in large part a completely defensive war, the US never tried to defeat the Northern government, just keep the Vietcong out of the South.
From the article.
If a suspected NLF member was found guilty, he or she could be held in prison for two years, with renewable two-year sentences totaling up to six years.[11] According to Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (MACV) Directive 381-41, the intent of Phoenix was to attack the NLF with a "rifle shot rather than a shotgun approach to target key political leaders, command/control elements and activists in the VCI."
Sure beats what happened in Cambodia...but you don't want to criticize that, I guess....or the atrocities of the North Vietnamese....or of Stalin in the Ukraine....or Mao...
Those should also be criticized but so should this. Both are wrong and should never have happened.
But if you want to look at scale don't forget that America did this in many places all over the world, and in many others supported those who did. And that continues today. : /
Wait, so as the initial argument unravels, you just go to the broad brush argument? "Oh, well even if it really didn't happen exactly that way in that place, man it sure did all these other places!!!"
I kind of don't buy that logic. You understand, right that the 40,000 killed that this operation is said to have killed are North Vietnamese invaders in the context of a war?
Sorry, I'm not getting your logic "both are wrong and should never have happened." Unless from the point of view that an ally has a war with a neighbor, and regardless of treaties we simply don't go help.
To find
the huge, massive atrocities in the 20th century, you just go to the list of socialist and communist nations and start punching right down the list. Not hard at all.
The initial argument didn't unravel. As I said, we should criticize all these things and the methods used no matter who did them. The others should also be criticized but you're not going to get anywhere if you criticize them and forget your own crimes. : /
The 80000 captured, interrogated, tortured, raped, and maybe half killed were not all known to be combatants and many were probably civilians.
"DeSilva was a proponent of a military strategy known as "counter terror" which held that terrorism was a legitimate tool to use in unconventional warfare, and that it should be applied strategically to "enemy civilians" in order to reduce civilian support for the Viet Cong. The PRUs were designed with this in mind, and began terrorizing suspected VC members in 1964"
And this is only a bit of what was done. And it wasn't a war between neighbors as much as a colonial war, and a war for control and influence in which the north had the most political power with the population. If America wanted to help it could have not sabotaged the peace process, installed a puppet government with a coup, provoked the north to attack by bombing them, sabotage, terror attacks, used chemical warfare against them, even intentionally on crops poisoning the food chain, forced population relocations, lied its way to open war, etc. This wasn't a war to help a friend or because of treaties.