For the purpose of clarity, this thread is created due to the observed trends in some users within my category. Haven’t really spot this behavior within ranked users but, it seems common for beginners and I don’t seem to understand how it is possible or why (take that for a claim).
What might that be?Some users don’t understand what is feedback system in a discussion. It’s an exchange of ideas and not a sole opinionated sort of sending out a message. This by some means is a disregard of what everyone else’s opinion on a topic especially when your the starter of the topic. It gets worst when you are the starter of that topic, it doesn’t show interest and in most cases, you live people just rambling and not knowing if you get it or not. Of course other users might take there interest but, as a starter of a topic, you should to some extent show interest in that topic, follow it up to some extent before you let loose.
I get it that some topics number into 100 of pages and one can’t or wouldn’t possibly follow through on all the responses that might amass in the topic but, at the beginning phase or before it gets a lot of attention such that it becomes overwhelming for you being the starter, a feedback system requires that your there in the discussions on going in the topic.
Definition of the term (Theme)Discussion: The term refers to people being one or two or more having to talk(write) about a topic, exchange ideas about it in order to reach a solution on it. Look up in Cambridge Dictionary.
The key words to note here are:
people, talking(writing), exchange, idea and solution.Sums up to mean: people exchanging ideas for solution.
The problem:This is BitcoinTalkForum and from the way I know it now as much as other communities on the web, it’s a discussion platform and where you come for exchange of ideas. Even while teaching, you expect questions and when not asked, you ask questions or seek understanding of a course to get diverse opinions. That’s how a discussion grows. People might be different, being an introvert and extrovert but, not on the web. It doesn’t apply in an online discussion where your anonymous and have got just you and whatever device your accessing the web with to contend with.
Attributes that could be assumed to spawn this behavior:I. Hidden agenda,
II. Been forced to write and so you write even without interest in what your proposing,
III. You completely agree to every concept being said even with several inter and intra contradictions.
Would expect more from users on the forumThe expected:1. It’s highly relevant that you respond to comments in your topic as a starter.
2. It’s more than unlikely that you agree to every argument because you can’t. Some wouldn’t seat well and others will.
3. The energy you give by virtue of response shows interest and spawns discussion.
4. It promotes more thinking when you discuss and brings up constructive argument.
5. The content is better developed and ideas promoted in this nature.
what more can you addI have been in few boards of the forum and indeed spot some users with great attributes to discussing. Am speaking of users like: ABCbits, LoyceV, JayJuanGee, BlackHatcoiner, apogio, Pooya87, Lovesmayfamilis, upgrade00, hugeblack, philipma1957 and a few others too numerous to mention but, shout out to you guys that promote a healthy and make great conversationists in the forum. Your efforts aren’t unnoticed and you sure make good models.
These guys almost revisits all there topics and comments even to say the least. Offer more insights if need be and answer questions on them. Learning from these guys would definitely aid in self development and resilience when it comes to participation on the forum.
Note: This is just personal observation based on interaction and the places I habit on the forum. Am sure there are a great lot of other conversationists here but, from the few I’ve got to interact with or take into account I have mentioned and not all of them too for sure.In conclusion:Perhaps there might not be a final solution to every discussion but, your not in a discussion if all you do is create a topic or just drop a comment and your off. While in a discussion, you should discuss!