I'm working on a script in C# to (possibly, hopefully, maybe) solve a BTC puzzle...
I have a list of seed words that I can use to generate seed phrases (yes, it's a lot of permutations, I know), and an address with the prize funds in it...
I'm using NBitcoin to check the seed phrases I generate (to see if they're valid) and then to generate an address I can check against the given funded address...
The issue is that if the puzzle creator used Electrum to generate the seed phrase and address, then I'll never get a match using NBitcoin...
I've looked and searched and I can't seem to find a solution for validating seed phrases and generating addresses the way Electrum does it using C# ... All I know for sure is that Electrum does it different than the standard way, so the NBitcoin lib isn't enough...
Anyone know of a good C# Electrum client/library I can use for this...?
And/Or is there a way I could use a local install of Electrum (on Windows, obviously) to do this via command-line or something...? I've seen the command line docs, but all of the "restore wallet" commands seem to take an Electrum seed file as an input, not a plain seed phrase...
And/Or is there a way to, like, roll my own solution using the crypto/hashing functionality that's built into C# (eg using the various tools available under the `System.Security.Cryptography` namespace, to duplicate what Electrum does under-the-hood)? I'd almost certainly never be able to figure it out on my own, but if someone already knows the steps that need to be taken (like: first MD5 this, and then SHA256 that, and then check the result against X, etc) then I might be able to cobble something together... Crazier things have happened
Thanks in advance for any help/insight anyone can provide