Taken at face, would this not delegitimize the Trump Presidency?
No. Russia didn't hack the election, they didn't hack the votes. And believe me, they didn't effect how many people were or were not voting for Clinton. The majority of people were not interested in anything she was offering. Multiple news sources and the Federal Government have admitted there is no evidence that Russia's hacking influenced voters.
In fact, Russia's hacking was a GOOD thing...even if you hate Trump. It exposed how corrupt the US political system is. And if American's had some balls, enough to not vote for the two existing bullshit parties that exist in that country you wouldn't have Trump in office either.
*A brief aside on the Yahoo hacking debacle. I have my beefs with Yahoo (they get hacked more than wood), but this one is pretty odd on the surface, as are all things Russia these days. Anywho, they formally charged a Russian national and two FSB agents with the intrusion, but we won't be able to apprehend one of the agents because he's already being held by Russia for treason.
What the blue fuck?
So apparently, he was charged by Russia of collaborating with us (double agent)? I don't get how you can be hacking for Russia, and us, without one of them (Russia or the US) knowing and condoning it. So is Russia lying to protect the agent?
This will all make the most amazing movie one day.
There already is a movie about this, check out Stuxnet
(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stuxnet)Stuxnet is a documentary about a US operation to spy on Iran and hack their nuclear facilities to make their reactors self destruct, this minimizing their ability to create nuclear weapons.
Any dumb shit any other country is doing was probably done by the US first...soo...who's really the asshole in this scenario?
LOL , really? Actually, the majority of people voted for Hillary, my man. Trump only won the electoral college. You must have swallowed the lie about illegals and voter fraud.
And no, an avowed enemy of the state using massive resources to influence the election is never a good thing. Let me guess, Vault Seven is a good thing too, right?
And Stuxnet is not the same beast at all. It was a joint US/Israeli operation to reinforce ignored nuclear sanctions by Iran. It was a move for global security, And, it like, wasn't an election.
Also, let's break down this dumb ass rhetoric about Russia actually hacking the election. To everyone on the board, you are being a coward intellectually if you can't see why interference by a state actor in this manner obviously had to influence the election. You didn't even vote for Hillary, yet the first thing you cited was DNC emails. So you in one breath, admit the emails influence people not to vote for Hillary, and in the same breath state that had no effect on the outcome of the election.
Well man, which one is it? The purpose of an election is for votes. You think Russia is so stupid they would perform an act of war just to 'release some emails for shits and giggles'? If they didn't want to actually influence the outcome of the election, why even attempt this in the first place?
Examine motivations. Again, why would Russia risk this, if not to sway public opinion in order to influence the vote? You didn't see RNC emails, despite the fact they were allegedly hacked as well.