wow... coinbase smashed you with fees: Input 0.00266313 BTC
Total Output 0.00013752 BTC
Fees 0.00252561 BTC
Fee per byte 487.569 sat/BYou just paid ~US$7 (0.00252561 btc) to send ~0.28c (0.0001)

What you need to realise with bitcoin, is that when you receive bitcoins, you don't necessarily end up with a one big lump sum of funds like you would with a normal bank account. All of the amounts received remain as separate chunks until you want to send coins somewhere. Each "chunk" you need to use as an input to a transaction will add ~148 bytes to the transaction size. Transaction fees are calculated in satoshis
PER BYTE... so the more bytes, so more you pay in fees.
It seems like you have received a number of "dust sized" payments (from faucets or mining perhaps?):
0.00088771 BTC
0.0008877 BTC
0.00088772 BTC
Anyway, you've attempted to send 0.0001, which would theoretically be covered by a single 0.008877 BTC Unspent Transaction Output (UTXO), but Coinbase has wanted to send a large fee of 487.569 sats/Byte to prioritise your transaction and get it confirmed quickly.
A "standard" transaction of 1 input, and 2 outputs will be around 226 bytes in size... so coinbase has calculated that your fee required is 226 bytes * 487.569 sats/byte = 110190.594 sats = 0.001. This means that your send Amount + Fee would be 0.0011.
However, the transaction only had one input of 0.0008877, which means that it has had to add another 0.0008877 input so you have enough inputs(2x 0.0008877 = 0.0017754 BTC) to cover the Send Amount + Fee (0.0011 BTC).
However, adding a second input adds another 148 bytes to the transaction... so now your transaction size would be 374 bytes... so the fee would now be 374 * 487.569 = 182350.806 sats = 0.00182350... which means that your two inputs isn't enough...
So it adds a 3rd input of 0.0008877... and ANOTHER 148 bytes (each input = ~148 bytes)... so now your transaction size is 518 bytes... fee is 518 * 487.569 = 252560.742 sats = 0.00252560...
Total you're wanting to send is 0.0001 + Fee of 0.00252560 = 0.00262560. All your inputs (3x 0.0008877) now total 0.0026631... so you can cover the entire lot (and have some spare)
TLDR; Morale of this story: DON'T collect dust amounts of BTC (that is pretty much anything less than 0.001)... and DON'T send dust amounts of bitcoin anywhere...