First of all, thank you for working on this problem and posting it here!
My main criticism: I'm concerned that this paper conflates two senses of anonymity (information leaking, and deniability) and switches between them. The motivation is based on the following statements about anonymity (the information leaking kind) in current Bitcoin:
1. Each output is linked to the inputs via the signatures.
2. Each input is also linked to the previous output via the ref.
3. The inputs themselves are linked together (they belong to the same wallet).
Sure, papers like Reid&Harrigan rely on these links to learn that two inputs are possibly/probably related, either because they're the same user or because they interacted (like a client and merchant). For example, it is typically the case, in ordinary usage of the client, that all the inputs belong to the same wallet.
However Bitcoin already provides deniability, in the sense that none of these links *necessarily* exist. You can already use the rawtransaction API to add one signature at a time to a transaction, so not all inputs in a tx are necessarily signed by a single entity. Nor do the outputs necessarily link to the inputs - you can receive bitcoins from arbitrary strangers, you can also send bitcoins to random addresses you find scribbled on a wall somewhere. The recent thread about CoinJoin basically proposes using some out-of-band matching mechanism to find other people to do this kind of signing with.
So it seems like the most that could be said is that OWAS may reduce the costs or DoS vulnerability of something like CoinJoin, by allowing the transaction to be constructed incrementally, rather than in two full phases (which is a real reason CoinJoin may be impractical). It would be easier to understand the contribution if the distinction between deniability (which Bitcoin already has) and inferred-links is clarified.