
Topic: Increasing encrypted currency adoption without merchants needing to accept them (Read 275 times)

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Elastic securities are a family defined as using purchasing power parity to trade price elasticity as a transactional security. An index is listed in USD corrected to an encrypted currency and consists of unfulfilled requests for goods or services. Traders open a CFD and carry a balance with the negative equity thereby allowing the principal to fulfill the request. Gains are realized from the encrypted currency network and fulfilled requests are charted. A brokerage makes a market of requests and processes transactions by licensing or selling the index to a listing brokerage, sending the updated price and chart activity in exchange for traders principals. Overhead is included in the requests and indexes can serve any market including profitable industries and be taxed accordingly.

Elmhurst, a philanthropic brokerage, will seek to license The ELM Philanthropic Index to US-based Ethereum exchanges at and serve research and open source software development. Because the industry is nonprofit, all successfully fulfilled requests will be annotated to include item, price, merchant, and requester. Brokerages serving profitable industries can forego this requirement in exchange for a profit formula. We expect to offer Routing Accounts to research teams and issue the equivalent of an AmEx Black card with no bill at the end of the month, all liquid.

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