Hello, My name is Joel and I have been wanting to direct a movie of my own for quite some time now. I have always been a fan of a good movie and enjoy the great works by directors like Martin Scorsese, Stanley Kubrick, Francis Ford Coppola, Alfred Hitchcock, Quentin Tarantino, Terrence Malick, Christopher Nolan....
Now, when I say, "good movie", what that means to me is a movie that has an original/good plot, great characters, believable acting, and an overall sense of originality that makes it stand out (among other things). I have seen literally thousands of different movies in my life at this point. I have studied film independently, but never went to film school (neither did Christopher Nolan). I have not directed a movie of my own before, but it's something I think about often.
My goal here is to be able to fund a movie using only Bitcoins.
The funding for this movie would wrap up at the end of this year (on December 31st) and it would begin production in early 2016. The reason why I can't tell you a plot description or other details at this current moment is because I don't know what the end budget will be. That is why production needs to begin early next year. I will have a better idea of what I can do as time goes on (the size of the crew, what genre movie it will be, how big of a cast, etc).
Regardless of the budget though, this will be an independent film. It's hard to say how much money this project will bring in. It could be nothing or it could be a lot of money. Any donation matters though, small or large.
If this project does not bring in at least $2000 by Dec. 31st 2015, I will delay production to a later time. Questions/Concerns:
How do I know you are making a movie and not running a scam?" I have no desire to run a scam. If you are too scared to send money to a stranger, I understand. While I appreciate donations for this project, I am not making anyone do anything they don't feel comfortable doing. I am very serious about using the donations strictly for creating a unique film project and not for any kind of personal gain.
Why not fund from your own pocket?" Unfortunatly I am currently unemployeed and do not have money of my own to spend on this project. I would budget this movie if I had a steady job, but I currently do not.
Any donation helps as I've said and I will update this topic as time goes on with information regarding the film and it's budget. If you donate to this project, your name can be included in the credits of the film, because without the help of a community, this project can't exist. Thank you for reading