Bitcoin--like investments in productive new technologies--is not like this: its widespread adoption can increase the World's Wealth. Think of all the man-hours we can eliminate when we don't need a bank with 30 employees on every corner. Think of all the resources that we will not misallocate when money-printing by central banks is curtailed. Think of all the new opportunities that could present themselves when the power or this global decentralized tamper-proof ledger known as the blockchain is understood.
Yeah... forgot the massive power consumption of the network. The transaction fees. The exchanges that will be necessairy a long time.
It's not all shiny. The idea is great, but it's heavily corrupted by greed.
There are still no good and reliable solutions for non-tech consumers. Noone invested in this fields -> the risks are too great -> better speculate on another price increase
What's wrong with bitcoin?
ASIC domination -> decentralization will be lost sometimes in the future
Early adopters with more than 90% of all coins mined till today