It would be good to know that what would be done with the funds should the main goal not be reached, how will they move forward.
i asked some questions on facebook page they have....they 'said' the money would just go back
my own view if they would have put this on 'kickstarter' instead .they may have had better luck
if someone wants a project for coding a PI to do have the small built in screen show the following...pretty sure it would be a hit
BTC Price LTC Price
BTC Held LTC Held
BTC Hoard LTC Hoard
BTC $$$$ LTC $$$
Total All Crypto BTC/LTC $$$$
Total Difficulty
something like that ...prob too much for a small built in LCD screen on a PI but for either LTC or BTC above ..would be cool
me I don't program...just 'wool gathering" on what I'd like to have on a BTC or LTC Ticker with a PI and those small built in LCD's (wall mount is what I'm going for)