Source Code
Infinitecoin is a fork of Litecoin version. Like Litecoin it uses scrypt as a proof of work scheme.
- Total coins will be about 90,600 millions
- 30 sec block target
- Difficulty retargets once every hour
- initially 524,288 (2^19) coins per block, halves every 1 month (86,400 blocks).
- The default ports are 9321(connect) and 9322(json rpc).
Development process
Fix the problem that IFC can't start after Linux system is turned off IPv6.
community official version, this version is modified and compiled based on the original source code.
increased direct click transactions in transaction records, ID can jump to block browser query transaction records.
repair the receiving currency form, modify the first label in the address book form, cause the second tags to be modified bug.
about page image replacement, and increased the community's official website link.
repair of the lower right corner in the state of typos "kind" correct "clock"
improve the mining state of the lower right corner of Chinese display
verify that all English in the message window is translated into Chinese.
perfect the Chinese tray right click menu language display
improve the Chinese language display page.
The options page improves the Chinese language display
Improve the Chinese language display in the rest of the warning box
increase the number of connections to the default network nodes to 32, improve the block synchronization speed.
Upgrade the QT version to 4.8.7 to improve security
modify the default location of block data, which is the Infinitecoin folder under the current software running directory.
there will be vc++ rumtime error error when repairing json-rpc and console.
increase the number of connections to the default network nodes to 32, improve the block synchronization speed.
perfect Chinese Translation
Upgrade the QT version to 4.8.7 to improve security
modify the default location of block data, which is the Infinitecoin folder under the current software running directory.
Developers work in their own trees, then submit pull requests when they think their feature or bug fix is ready.
The patch will be accepted if there is broad consensus that it is a good thing. Developers should expect to rework and resubmit patches if they don't match the project's coding conventions (see coding.txt) or are controversial.
The master branch is regularly built and tested, but is not guaranteed to be completely stable. Tags are regularly created to indicate new official, stable release versions of Litecoin.
Feature branches are created when there are major new features being worked on by several people.
From time to time a pull request will become outdated. If this occurs, and the pull is no longer automatically mergeable; a comment on the pull will be used to issue a warning of closure. The pull will be closed 15 days after the warning if action is not taken by the author. Pull requests closed in this manner will have their corresponding issue labeled 'stagnant'.
Issues with no commits will be given a similar warning, and closed after 15 days from their last activity. Issues closed in this manner will be labeled 'stale'.
Now,(2018-5-16), Infinitecoin Community Develop IFC, It can be mine again
The infinitecoin has been updated to, which has repaired many bug, and the wallet is mainly maintained and updated.
IFC Chinese community, official website the official website, there is a list of QQ groups in China. You are welcome to join us.
Technical support station:
https://www.ifc123.netprice navigation: message IFC community needs more skilled investors to join.
Biyong,search Infinitecoin