ok, allora, la prima cosa è: don't panic, prendi il tuo asciugamano e ricorda che google è tuo amico http://it.wikiquote.org/wiki/Douglas_Adams
punto uno: leggi il manuale https://raw2.github.com/AntMiner/AntGen1/master/manual/AntMiner-U1%20user%20guide.pdf - resisti alla voglia di isntallare i driver per windows. Linux, quasi sempre, non usa driver.
dal manuale, intuisci che devi andare su:
https://github.com/AntMiner/AntGen1/tree/master/cgminer che è un GIT. i git sono una figata, impara ad usarli, a prescindere. Se non hai installato il "client", dai da terminale (do per assodato che sai gestire permessi, sudo, muoverti fra le dir da terminale etc):
sudo apt-get install git
quindi, puoi clonarti il git in locale con:
git clone https://github.com/AntMiner/AntGen1
per tua fortuna antminer fornisce i files precompilati (diciamo che vogliamo fidarci del fanto che non ci siano trucchetti nel codice ) quindi ti basta rendere eseguibile il file e avviarlo:
cd AntGen1/cgminer/
sudo chmod +x cgminer-run-linux
./cgminer-run-linux [sintassi]
per l'uso di cgminer, ti riporto il man della versione precedente installabile con il classico
sudo apt-get install cgminer (si, cgminer è nei repository, è per questo che linux è bello )
CGMINER(1) User Commands CGMINER(1)
cgminer - multi-threaded multi-pool GPU, FPGA and CPU bitcoin miner.
cgminer [-DdGEgIKklmpPQqsTouvwOchnV]
multi-threaded multi-pool GPU, FPGA and CPU bitcoin miner. Built with bflsc GPU bitforce icarus avalon modminer scrypt mining support.
Options for both config file and command line:
Allow API access only to the given list of [G:]IP[/Prefix] addresses[/subnets]
Description placed in the API status header, default: cgminer version
API one letter groups G:cmd:cmd[,P:cmd:*...] defining the cmds a groups can use
Enable API, default: disabled
Allow API (if enabled) to listen on/for any address, default: only
Port number of miner API (default: 4028)
Change multipool strategy from failover to even share balance
Run cgminer in benchmark mode - produces no shares
Use nonce range on bitforce devices if supported
Use compact display without per device statistics
Enable debug output
Select device to use, (Use repeat -d for multiple devices, default: all)
Disable GPU mining even if suitable devices exist
Automatically disable pools that continually reject shares
Upper bound on how many seconds after getting work we consider a share from it stale (default: 120)
Don't leak work to backup pools when primary pool is lagging
Do not redirect to a different getwork protocol (eg. stratum)
Set the refresh interval in ms for GPUs using dynamic intensity (default: 7)
Select OpenCL platform ID to use for GPU mining (default: -1)
Number of threads per GPU (1 - 10) (default: -1)
Set GPU lookup gap for scrypt mining, comma separated
Intensity of GPU scanning (d or -10 -> 20, default: d to maintain desktop interactivity)
Seconds between hotplug checks (0 means never check)
Specify a path to where bitstream and kernel files are (default: "/usr/lib/cgminer")
Override sha256 kernel to use (diablo, poclbm, phatk or diakgcn) - one value or comma separated
Change multipool strategy from failover to efficiency based balance
Interval in seconds between log output (default: 5)
Minimise caching of shares for low memory applications
Use custom pipe cmd for output messages
Impose small delays in networking to not overload slow routers
Do not attempt to restart GPUs that hang
Don't submit shares if they are detected as stale
Password for bitcoin JSON-RPC server
Force verbose mode and output per-device statistics
Verbose dump of protocol-level activities
Minimum number of work items to have queued (0+) (default: 1)
Disable logging output, display status and errors
Disable all output
Remove disabled devices entirely, as if they didn't exist
Change multipool strategy from failover to regularly rotate at N minutes (default: 0)
Change multipool strategy from failover to round robin on failure
Upper bound on time spent scanning current work, in seconds (default: -1)
Set a time of day in HH:MM to start mining (a once off without a stop time)
Set a time of day in HH:MM to stop mining (will quit without a start time)
Use the scrypt algorithm for mining (litecoin only)
GPU shaders per card for tuning scrypt, comma separated
Append share log to file
Quit after mining N shares (default: unlimited)
Set socks4 proxy (host:port)
Use system log for output messages (default: standard error)
Temperature where a device will be automatically disabled, one value or comma separated list (default: 95)
Disable ncurses formatted screen output
Set GPU thread concurrency for scrypt mining, comma separated
URL for bitcoin JSON-RPC server
Username for bitcoin JSON-RPC server
USB device selection
Override detected optimal vector (1, 2 or 4) - one value or comma separated list
Log verbose output to stderr as well as status output
Override detected optimal worksize - one value or comma separated list
Username:Password pair for bitcoin JSON-RPC server
Display extra work time debug information
Options for command line only:
Load a JSON-format configuration file See example.conf for an example configuration.
Specify the filename of the default config file Loaded at start and used when saving without a name.
Print this message
Display number of detected GPUs, OpenCL platform information, all USB devices, and exit
Display version and exit
cgminer 3.2.0 June 2013 CGMINER(1)
dimmi se ti funziona tutto, come ti ho detto, non ho ancora l'hardware fra le mani