1.) There are a lot of hardware errors. It is reporting 105,506 HW errors spread pretty evenly across all boards after 20 minutes... that seems like alot?
2.) I found on the help site that should reveal a log. It doesnt.
3.) I have the latest firmware according to the auto updater, but I did find an older version on github. Give it a go?
4.) I also found a management software, when I ran that I got all sorts of options. The most curious was the statistics report:
Tag Hash = 28TH/s
Realtime = 22.22TH/s
Achieving 79.4%
Mode = Balanced
Dead Chains = 0
Sick Miners = 0
Error Stats:
Errcode 0
Sum = 1
Total = 1
Do I have errocode 0? or do I have no errors? I cant find anything on error code 0.
ALSO and this is the biggest piece maybe. THE MINER IS A T2TH+ 37T but the firmware is for T2THL+.
I can't change the firmware to any other type than the T2THL+ through the gui, it give me a mismatch error.
Step 1 - flash older firmware
Autotune forever
Step 2 - factory reset old firmware
Autotune forever
Step 3 - flash back to newest firmware and factory reset
Autotune forever
Tuned in 42 minutes
I had it pointed at miningrigrental and from there to antpool, btc.com and slushpool. I dropped the MRR relay and pointed straight to slushpool and away we went. I tuned it at eff++, I'm trying balanced+ now.
Why I didn't think of this earlier I'll never know!