Exchange rate will be -6% of current rate.
You want INR in exchange of 0.5 BTC
Current exchange rate ₹55780
My rate:₹52433
I will give you: ₹26216
That's really a good fee of 6% but really doubtful of anybody selling since zebpay is giving 55000 for 1 btc and you are offering only 52433 which is almost 3k difference. So you need to increase your rate so people may sell you.
Yes, Zebpay pays directly to your bank account which you link with your zebpay account. For opening account with them you just need a copy of PAN card, thats it.
Their Fees is 0% and they mostly pay with NEFT transfer, same day when you sell your bitcoin with them. Unocoin has also improved its service and processing the trades same day.
Hope above answers would clear all your doubts!.