This command fixed my problems -- sudo usermod -a -G dialout myusernamehere
One other question...
My devices are running at 850mhz, and they are hashing at some oddball #'s according to the overview, are these #s correct? Via CGMIner they all hash around 360k each
GSD 0 | 850 MHz | 105.8/ 71.6 KH/s | A: 1 R: 0 H: 0
GSD 1 | 850 MHz | 105.8/ 71.7 KH/s | A: 1 R: 0 H: 0
GSD 2 | 850 MHz | 317.5/ 71.9 KH/s | A: 3 R: 0 H: 0
GSD 3 | 850 MHz | 423.4/143.5 KH/s | A: 4 R: 0 H: 0
GSD 4 | 850 MHz | 211.7/143.8 KH/s | A: 2 R: 0 H: 0
GSD 5 | 850 MHz | 529.2/215.7 KH/s | A: 4 R: 1 H: 0
I am planning on switching over 50 gridseeds and running them on ubuntu. My raspberri pi's are piss poor and unreliable. They have constant kernel crashes and the onlything I can do to get them going again is to power them down manually and reboot them.
Here is my current config:
screen -dmS miner ./minerd --gc3355=/dev/ttyACM0,/dev/ttyACM1,/dev/ttyACM2,/dev/ttyACM3,/dev/ttyACM4,/dev/ttyACM5 --gc3355-freq=/dev/ttyACM0:850 --freq=850 --url=stratum+tcp:// --userpass=blah:blah --retries=1
I have 3 questions:
- 1. Is this running in dual mode or single? (I hope single scrypt mode -- lol)
- 2. Is it possible to run minerD with a config similar to cgminer (./cgminer -c miner.conf). I want to have multipools as failovers incase one goes down and its easier to run from a config file. I couldn't find any documentation on this at all.
- 3. If I plan on runnijng 50 devices, do I need to list every device in the command line to launch? IE: --gc3355=/dev/ttyACM0,/dev/ttyACM1,/dev/ttyACM2,/dev/ttyACM3,/dev/ttyACM4,/dev/ttyACM5/etc/etc/etc to 50
Thanks for your help and I hope that this runs more stable than CGMiner, if it does some donations will be due to you. I lose about 8 hours of mine time every day when I am away and cannot hard power my rasp pis.
Well you have to give it time to stabilize the hashrate, it calculates the hashrate from each individual chip, unlike cgminer.
Remove the --retries=1, that's for backup pools.
1. Scrypt mode only
2. Not yet, but soon, there is a basic backup pool script on github
3. Yes
Awesome.. As soon as my rig rentals are done, I am freaking stoked to plug all 50 in and see how it goes
I saw the backup pool script on github, it is below:
./minerd --gc3355=/dev/ttyACM0,/dev/ttyACM1,/dev/ttyACM2 --gc3355-freq=/dev/ttyACM0:800 --gc3355-autotune --freq=850 --url=stratum+tcp://pool1:port --userpass=user:pass --retries=1
./minerd --gc3355=/dev/ttyACM0,/dev/ttyACM1,/dev/ttyACM2 --gc3355-freq=/dev/ttyACM0:800 --gc3355-autotune --freq=850 --url=stratum+tcp://pool2:port --userpass=user:pass --retries=1
./minerd --gc3355=/dev/ttyACM0,/dev/ttyACM1,/dev/ttyACM2 --gc3355-freq=/dev/ttyACM0:800 --gc3355-autotune --freq=850 --url=stratum+tcp://pool2:port --userpass=user:pass --retries=1
Would I just cut and paste that in terminal to run it? or should I make a file like nano and then put the commands in that. then to execute do in terminal?