site: best traded on livecoin so proceed to configure the server,
It is assumed that you have a clean server and you just received it after the operating system installation and there is nothing on it and you have the right to root.
I specify the commands to be executed and why
yum -y update
update all defaults
we reboot the server to make sure it works and can be restored at least after reboot
after reboot the server should rise in a current of minutes 2 can five if it is not present more than 10 minutes at you there a problem
go ahead, we mean that the server is in order and you went to it after the reboot
put the system software that we will be in every way necessary and useful in either a role
yum -y install wget mc git screen golang gzip unzip unrar
I waited a bit when the install will end and give the following command
yum install -y autoconf automake boost-devel gcc-c++ libdb4-cxx libdb4-cxx-devel libevent-devel libtool openssl-devel software-properties-common libssl libboost libdb4 db4 build-essential autotools-dev pkg-config libssl-dev intltool gettext gcc kernel-devel libdb_cxx libdb++-dev libboost-devel boostlib libboost-all-dev libdb4.8-dev libdb4.8++-dev libminiupnpc-dev openssl libevent
it's all. nothing else we basically do not need to go to install and configure the masternode itself
go to the root directory
cd ~
clone git
go to currency folder
cd eternity
run autoconfig
now you need to tweet a little with the database
each line a separate commandENT_ROOT=$(pwd)
mkdir -p $BDB_PREFIX
wget ''
echo '12edc0df75bf9abd7f82f821795bcee50f42cb2e5f76a6a281b85732798364ef db-4.8.30.NC.tar.gz' | sha256sum -c
tar -xzvf db-4.8.30.NC.tar.gz
cd db-4.8.30.NC/build_unix/
../dist/configure --enable-cxx --disable-shared --with-pic --prefix=$BDB_PREFIX
./configure --enable-cxx --disable-shared --with-pic --prefix=$BDB_PREFIX
make install
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib"
echo "/usr/local/lib" > /etc/
cp ~/eternity/db4/bin/eternityd /usr/local/bin/
cp ~/eternity/db4/bin/eternity-cli /usr/local/bin/
everything is set to configuring
initially we need a minimal config file
eternity.confgo to the settings directory
cd .eternitycore
edit file
eternity.confinsert the following lines into it
externalip = #(here enter the ip server on which you set it all, you do not need to change the port)
rpcuser=XXXX #(here enter anything long)
rpcpassword=XXXX #(here enter anything long)
eternitynode.conf do not touch
and first run
let's give some time to downloading the information and make a request
eternity-cli getinfo
should return xml with a current type of information such as
"version": 120107,
"protocolversion": 70206,
"walletversion": 61000,
"balance": 0.00000000,
"spysend_balance": 0.00000000,
"blocks": 332982,
"timeoffset": 1,
"connections": 8,
"proxy": "",
"difficulty": 7207.190507434735,
"testnet": false,
"keypoololdest": 1530375005,
"keypoolsize": 1001,
"paytxfee": 0.00000000,
"relayfee": 0.00010000,
"errors": ""
to ensure that everything was clear and not mistaken with commissions we will establish two addresses
on the first we will deduce from a stock exchange 1001, and on the second we will translate exactly 1000 for activation of a node (from first)
eternity-cli getnewaddress frst
receive an address for withdrawal from the stock exchange type
EbeGRYEFHm9gUXYmPN5LHA7GbUCgCGtB5ieternity-cli getnewaddress mn1
get the address to activate the masternode
EfqXUbtE6n35mS89YxcctPuiJ2jAzJM3eygenerate a unique node key
eternity-cli eternitynode genkey
we obtain a key of type
4Q6eSu9adFhTmVrJZzWLNqBTW5DikrpSTjCbaHwrooHMufmtZMFwrite it in
eternity.confadd rows:
now start activation, we transfer from the exchange to your wallet which we have already generated above eg
EbeGRYEFHm9gUXYmPN5LHA7GbUCgCGtB5iwhen the funds are credited (we see it by
eternity-cli getbalance )
We need to translate exactly 1000 to master log account using the command
eternity-cli sendfrom frst EfqXUbtE6n35mS89YxcctPuiJ2jAzJM3ey 1000In response, we need to get the transaction number
as sample
eternity-cli eternitynode outputsget the transaction id and the index 1 or 0, write it all down
we check that there are 16 confirmations
eternity-cli gettransaction 3bb9f193af4e7329f132a48df2cdc888916b949cdafb5bb7e4d4c57a6bd06e62
in returned information we search for "confirmations": 16 or more, if not, we expect
Now we are adding data to the configuration file for the operation of the masternode
mn1 4Q6eSu9adFhTmVrJZzWLNqBTW5DikrpSTjCbaHwrooHMufmtZMF 3bb9f193af4e7329f132a48df2cdc888916b949cdafb5bb7e4d4c57a6bd06e62 0where
MN1 - name of masternode - The permanent IP address of your remote server and the port on which the wallet with the masternode (4855 - port for eternity [ENT])
4Q6eSu9adFhTmVrJZzWLNqBTW5DikrpSTjCbaHwrooHMufmtZMF - private master key, received by the command
eternity-cli eternitynode genkey3bb9f193af4e7329f132a48df2cdc888916b949cdafb5bb7e4d4c57a6bd06e62 - Transaction ID, received when transferring money from frst to mn1 purses, then we sent 1000 to our address as collateral for the master code
0 - output transaction index, defined by the
eternity-cli eternitynode outputsrun masternode
eternity-cli eternitynode start-alias mn1check status
eternity-cli eternitynode statusideal answer
"status": "Eternitynode successfully started"all okay, fly safe
p.s. sorry for my English. i'm Russian