This has been quite a long and challenging project given the amount of information to show, i have started to look into it since i saw the network graph threads of DdmrDdmr and sncc. My goal was to have an explorable version of the full network with interactions included, as well as my take on trying to find new merit sources.
Each node represent a user and the edges with arrows merit transactions, received or given.
I made 2 versions, the main difference is in the shape. Then for each of these versions i made two variants,one where the coloring is based on the Rank and the other is based on the Trust.
The node size is based on the Node Merit Size variable (on the User Information Panel) and reaches the maximum with a total of 500 merits given away, i did this to try to avoid the current merit sources shading emerging one. This should help visualize at sight the main givers just by looking at the size of the nodes.
Node Merit Size is calculated in the following way:
If Merit Given > 500
Node Merit Size = 500
Node Merit Size = Merit Given
The node and edge color simply tells the rank/trust of the node.
I removed from the network all the nodes and edges where:
Merit Received + Merit Given = 1
So anybody who sent a single merit or received a single one won’t be in it.
There are exactly 15954 Nodes and 54108 Edges in there. If there are more merit transactions from user A to user B they will be grouped together and be represented with 1 line(Edge) that goes from A to B
What is the purpose?You can use these visualizations to help identify users which could be a merit source, since at first glance you have a very intuitive way of knowing the amount of Merit given (size of the node) and Rank/Trust (color of the node). Plus the personal network tells the merit story of the user.
How i made this?I prepared all the data i needed and made several iteration with
Gephi for the layout of the network graph. The drawing is made using the library
Sigma Js which supports WebGL.
How to use it?- Each node you see can show the user name on mouse over and by clicking on it it will isolate the connections based on merit sent and received, both in the form of a graph and with a panel, which shows supplementary informations about the use selected as well. Moving the mouse over the names on the list will show the label on the graph as well.
- You can drag the network by clicking on an empty space, zoom in and out with your mouse wheel or using the buttons in the bottom overlay. The magnifying lens with the square center the graph on screen.
- On the left panel you can search for any user by name.
Links to the visualizations: