
Topic: Interdimensional Multiverse (Read 143 times)

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
December 23, 2019, 04:36:59 AM
badecker i do make satire posts and funny posts. but sometimes you take things to a whole new level of trying to be ultimately serious about stuff where your foolishly wrong.

there are hundreds of thousands of bitcointalk users and i interact with lots of them. but sometimes i spot a fool who is trying to indocrinate other fools and i do step in with a slice of reality to avoid people being led down the wrong path

my view is there is only one universe.
sorry but there is no other version where a doppleganger of you ended up marrying that celebrity you had a crush on as a kid.

however in our one universe we are limited to our experiences by only the senses and technology available to inform us of our actions, yet there is a whole spectrum of other things we cant quite see

EG under a white light/yellow sun we see the orange fruit as what we believe is orange
under a blue sun we would call it a green

when we eat certain things that are not chicken we still classify it as "tasting like chicken" because the limitation of our tastebuds limit the variety of different taste possibilities there are. also our experiences are if limited to eating only chicken
and then suddenly trying something else we just say "not chicken"

imagine if our eyes seen the extra spectrums of say the gravitational waves and such. suddenly we would always be seeing aurora's and waves and new particles in the air

so i prefer to make people understand science reality not science fiction.
because wasting time trying to convince people on fiction helps no one

Do you ever have the chance to watch the waves on the sea? Especially when it is windy, and the waves are rolling in? Notice that the waves are simply movements of the water. They are positions of the water that are under constant change. The waves aren't really anything all by themselves. They only become something when they are movements of water.

All physical material is energy at its core. And energy is simply waves in space. The waves of energy involved in electrons and protons of an atom are very small, as shown by how small the electrons and protons are. The space between them is gigantic compared with their size. But they are all waves rolling through what we call emptiness, because we don't easily realize that all material vibrates with a universal vibration as well as their own energy vibration.

Within the empty space between the electrons and protons of an atom, are multitudes of material vibrations that have different kinds of universal vibrations, that keep them all separate from other universes in the multiverse. These vibration waves of space all exist right next to each other, but they are different enough from each other that they only react in a big way with their own universe.

However, material/energy waves of the various universes impinge upon each other slightly. And at times and in certain localized areas, the impingement can be very great. Black holes, quasars, some (all?) stars, and other space phenomenon are points where there is a lot of impingement of material/energy waves between different universes in the multiverse.

CERN and other big colliders are being used by scientists to find ways to control reactions in other universes from our universe. The relational shapes of the various energy particles is the road into the various dimensions. Google "tetrahedron and other shapes," and apply the various energy particles to the shapes mathematically. Collider scientists are trying to find ways of operating, from our universe, in other universes. At the time of this writing, CERN is being rebuilt, enhanced, so that more work can be done in this direction.

God probably uses inter-dimensional multiverse actions to make some of His miracles happen here in our universe. The basics that He does constantly all the time, include changing the structure of the whole space-time continuum on a regular basis, in conjunction with changes in our free will faith in Him.

Note that in the Bible, in the history of the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11), verses 5 thru 7 say, "5But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower the people were building. 6The Lord said, 'If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. 7Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.'"

This is important because, our one language is computer programming. We are much stronger in some ways than the people of the Earth back at the time of the Tower of Babel. We are actually accessing multiple universes of the multiverse, and multiple dimensions, as well, with CERN and computer controls.

The point is that God has complete control. When He comes down to take care of things this time, He will take over direct authority for all mankind. He shows this in the book of The Revelation in the Bible.

Activity: 273
Merit: 14
December 22, 2019, 02:53:48 AM
I’m not sure about the fact that in such a universe everything can be vice versa. But about the fact that they exist - I'm sure of that.
Activity: 2030
Merit: 1568
CLEAN non GPL infringing code made in Rust lang
December 21, 2019, 11:21:00 PM
oh that old schrodinger.
he does love to muddy the science with his tangents that make people not understand whats really happening

stuff like if there was a tree but no one was near to hear/see it fall. did it really fall..?
he would say no
he would say it only fell once someone come near

Related to the cat thought experiment, the tree is both fallen and not fallen, until the moment you observe it. The observation itself intervenes the experiment.

There is an actual atomic experiment of this property, and is the basis for other "quantum superposition" (cat state) stuff...

It simply happens. Maybe we don't understand the reason (yet), but there you have it. Same with quantum entanglement, which has also been experimented, albeit very short lived...

So he would not say no, he would say BOTH, until observed.

Not sure what "dopplegangers" or clones have much to do with it. Did you mean the Swamp man?
Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
December 20, 2019, 02:29:07 PM
badecker i do make satire posts and funny posts. but sometimes you take things to a whole new level of trying to be ultimately serious about stuff where your foolishly wrong.

there are hundreds of thousands of bitcointalk users and i interact with lots of them. but sometimes i spot a fool who is trying to indocrinate other fools and i do step in with a slice of reality to avoid people being led down the wrong path

my view is there is only one universe.
sorry but there is no other version where a doppleganger of you ended up marrying that celebrity you had a crush on as a kid.

however in our one universe we are limited to our experiences by only the senses and technology available to inform us of our actions, yet there is a whole spectrum of other things we cant quite see

EG under a white light/yellow sun we see the orange fruit as what we believe is orange
under a blue sun we would call it a green

when we eat certain things that are not chicken we still classify it as "tasting like chicken" because the limitation of our tastebuds limit the variety of different taste possibilities there are. also our experiences are if limited to eating only chicken
and then suddenly trying something else we just say "not chicken"

imagine if our eyes seen the extra spectrums of say the gravitational waves and such. suddenly we would always be seeing aurora's and waves and new particles in the air

so i prefer to make people understand science reality not science fiction.
because wasting time trying to convince people on fiction helps no one
Activity: 164
Merit: 13
December 20, 2019, 01:29:18 PM
I think the concept could be true. I've learned that nothing is impossible. The theory makes sense....I mean just watch Rick and Morty
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
December 20, 2019, 11:42:57 AM
oh that old schrodinger.
he does love to muddy the science with his tangeants that make people not understand whats really happening

stuff like if there was a tree but no one was near to hear/see it fall. did it really fall..?
he would say no
he would say it only fell once someone come near

yet real science could prove after the fact when it fell to a specific time even when no one was near at the time
and that time would not be the time the people later see the tree on the ground

same with the cat. pretending its both dead and alive when in the poison box. yet science after the fact can determine when it died and that time wont be when the box was opened

even his mud about quantum mechanics about how electrons have many attributes but you can only have the equipment to see/measure one and no matter if you split it, only see the same attribute on both splits when you look at it.
makes people strangely think spooky stuff is happening like that single attribute changes when not looking

the reality is that when measuring it you are only measuring it based on the limited knowledge you have available to form your opinion.

however there may be later other methods or other technology to measure things not measurable before that can change earlier opinion/results

quantum computing is not about an electron going charged or not charged and when not looked at then becomes both...
its about taking the charged and not charged attribute and then taking another attribute to give more results

its like thinking a light can only be lit by n off or on switch. then realising you can get a dimmer switch

he is not saying that there are dopplegangers that were you at somepoint but forked off to their own universe by making different choices.
its saying that under the white light of the sun we can only see a certain view of the world. and under a different light spectrum we can see different things.

such as the northern aurora is only visable at a certain light, area
around the world its always occuring, we just cant see it.

such as fluorescent ink. in daylight it cant be seen but in blacklight it fluoreses

such as wind you cant see it. but put a light object in its path you can see its effect.
same for gravity you cannot see the magnetic field with your eyes in normal light but you can use technology

multidemensions are not about replicants/dopplegangers, other you's physically existing somewhere.
its about there being one thing/version of you but to different people/technologies they can have different opinions of you meaning they see different versions of you based on what they see/experience of you

take this example
if badecker was to spy on a women only when he seen her naked through her bathroom window
badecker would come to the conclusion that the women was always naked and lways in the bathroom.

he would then say 'in my reality, in my word i only see naked women'
others would say badecker is dumb and is on another planet.
badecker would reply that he is on a different multiverse

reality is that badeckers limited scope of only being able to spy through the womens window means he never sees her go in the living room or leave for work.
this is not something multiverse. this is just in badeckers mind/opinion/limited scope he see's only what he can see
but not the full scope of reality

Aw, franky1, come on. People like you. You're likeable. You don't always have to look for the worst in people. You are probably a great guy. You probably have many good qualities, including being quite intelligent.

It's nice to see you build a name for yourself. If we ARE in some kind of a multiverse where each have our own universe, yours is probably one of the good places to be. Keep learning and expressing. It's the only way we learn from others.

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
December 19, 2019, 11:20:30 PM
oh that old schrodinger.
he does love to muddy the science with his tangents that make people not understand whats really happening

stuff like if there was a tree but no one was near to hear/see it fall. did it really fall..?
he would say no
he would say it only fell once someone come near

yet real science could prove after the fact when it fell to a specific time even when no one was near at the time
and that time would not be the time the people later see the tree on the ground

same with the cat. pretending its both dead and alive when in the poison box. yet science after the fact can determine when it died and that time wont be when the box was opened

even his mud about quantum mechanics about how electrons have many attributes but you can only have the equipment to see/measure one and no matter if you split it, only see the same attribute on both splits when you look at it.
makes people strangely think spooky stuff is happening like that single attribute changes when not looking

the reality is that when measuring it you are only measuring it based on the limited knowledge you have available to form your opinion.

however there may be later other methods or other technology to measure things not measurable before that can change earlier opinion/results

quantum computing is not about an electron going charged or not charged and when not looked at then becomes both...
its about taking the charged and not charged attribute and then taking another attribute to give more results

its like thinking a light can only be lit by n off or on switch. then realising you can get a dimmer switch

he is not saying that there are dopplegangers that were you at somepoint but forked off to their own universe by making different choices.
its saying that under the white light of the sun we can only see a certain view of the world. and under a different light spectrum we can see different things.

such as the northern aurora is only visable at a certain light, area
around the world its always occuring, we just cant see it.

such as fluorescent ink. in daylight it cant be seen but in blacklight it fluoresces

such as wind you cant see it. but put a light object in its path you can see its effect.
same for gravity you cannot see the magnetic field with your eyes in normal light but you can use technology

multidemensions are not about replicants/dopplegangers, other you's physically existing somewhere.
its about there being one thing/version of you but to different people/technologies they can have different opinions of you meaning they see different versions of you based on what they see/experience of you

take this example
if badecker was to spy on a women only when he seen her naked through her bathroom window
badecker would come to the conclusion that the women was always naked and always in the bathroom.

he would then say 'in my reality, in my world i only see naked women'
others would say badecker is dumb and is on another planet.
badecker would reply that he is on a different multiverse

reality is that badeckers limited scope of only being able to spy through the womens window means he never sees her go in the living room or leave for work.
this is not something multiverse. this is just in badeckers mind/opinion/limited scope he see's only what he wants to see
but not the full scope of reality
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
December 19, 2019, 09:09:23 PM
Do you think dimensions are infinite in number? We only know about, say, 32 of them, or so. And we only have a good handle on 6, or so. We are just starting if they are infinite in number?

I, me. Do your think that the part of people that looks out of their own eyes, but not out of the eyes of anyone else... that each of these "I, me" parts of every person has its own universe or dimension that it exists in, even though it communicates with other people in this dimension or universe?

Activity: 2030
Merit: 1568
CLEAN non GPL infringing code made in Rust lang
December 19, 2019, 06:26:57 PM
Hello all,

I'm FutureBen! I would like to talk about one of my big ideas. The multiverse.

and NOT just any multiverse or parallel universe theory.

What I propose, the "Interdimensional Multiverse" is interconnected dimensions across time & space with a multiverse that's alive.

Scientists believe that that the universe is expanding outwardly and began with the big bang.

In my proposal there are additional dimensions of time and space traveling in the opposite direction we are. they're contracting while we're expanding.

What are your thoughts?

Its not your idea. I cite previous use:

In Dublin in 1952, Erwin Schrödinger gave a lecture in which he jocularly warned his audience that what he was about to say might "seem lunatic". He said that when his equations seemed to describe several different histories, these were "not alternatives, but all really happen simultaneously".

The American philosopher and psychologist William James used the term "multiverse" in 1895, but in a different context. The term was first used in fiction and in its current physics context by Michael Moorcock in his 1963 SF Adventures novella The Sundered Worlds.

Be sure to read the rest of the page. And then follow the references below. The multiverse idea is theorized even in physics by multiple, different proposals (in parallel) which is ironically quite meta if you get the meaning...
Activity: 3808
Merit: 7912
December 15, 2019, 12:14:41 PM
Hello all,

I'm FutureBen! I would like to talk about one of my big ideas. The multiverse.

and NOT just any multiverse or parallel universe theory.

What I propose, the "Interdimensional Multiverse" is interconnected dimensions across time & space with a multiverse that's alive.

Scientists believe that that the universe is expanding outwardly and began with the big bang.

In my proposal there are additional dimensions of time and space traveling in the opposite direction we are. they're contracting while we're expanding.

It gets much deeper. Here's a quick video.

What are your thoughts?

 Come on future dude!  For your own safety and the safety of those with whom you share the roadways, concentrate on navigating the present road rather than the inter-dimensional multiverse while you're driving.
Also, you're too late!  You'll have to port yourself to an earlier time and become PastBen because Microsoft is a couple years ahead of you -
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
December 15, 2019, 01:47:01 AM
Hello all,

I'm FutureBen! I would like to talk about one of my big ideas. The multiverse.

and NOT just any multiverse or parallel universe theory.

What I propose, the "Interdimensional Multiverse" is interconnected dimensions across time & space with a multiverse that's alive.

Scientists believe that that the universe is expanding outwardly and began with the big bang.

In my proposal there are additional dimensions of time and space traveling in the opposite direction we are. they're contracting while we're expanding.

It gets much deeper. Here's a quick video.

What are your thoughts?
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