as you all will know this is a rare collection of matching # Kialara pieces. open to trades and offers either in here or by PM..
Kialara Gold 1BTC #22/100 EU
Kialara Silver 1BTC #22/250 EU
Kialara to the moon 2 bar set #22/79 total (this is the lowest # set Max Made) Just completed by max will be with Minerjones shortly
also will offer #101/150 Moon Sinlge (lowest# Single Bar) with MinerJones
All the above are sold out with Max and some are commanding a large premium. As they are matching numbers I will not be breaking up the set gold and silver, but happy to take an offer on the moon single.
Excuse potato like pictures, I am as artistic as a sausage fingered BBQ bloke on a boat.
serious bidders only please, I reserve the right to not deal with anyone I feel untrustworthy. Escrow OK with MJ, Zepher or Lauda.
Anyone also looking for a Kialara too the moon suite... one of only 21 made please PM me as I may offer one up for sale for the right price.
Also Accepting BTC/XMR/DASH/LTC and VIA for payment