This is obvious.
My question is if the Internet connection drops for 3 minutes, would this be causing only 3 minutes of lost mining time, or could it be potentially causing say 20 - 30 minutes of lost mining time, due to the miner requiring being connected for the full duration of its "session" which say takes 20 - 30 mins per sesion.
Let me put it this way. If you need to carry a large bowl of water from point A to point B, and then somewhere in the middle on the road you accidentally drop the bowl , it breaks down and spills the water, you can't just continue on your way. You need to get back to point A get another bowl of water and mange to carry it intact ( i.e without the Internet connection dropping ) for the full duration of the course.
So the Internet Connection may drop/cut for only 1-2 mins at a time... but if the miner has to restart from the beginning of the job, you are actually losing much more in mining-time, each time your connection drops.