I would like to introduce a new Android application for the cryptocurrencies users. This tool is a kind of crypto currency wallet. You can use it to manage your currencies using your public address and public API to track the balance of each address. So it is totally secured and you can't lose anything.
CryptoCoinsManager allows you to track the balance of each currency and the total value in BTC.
This project is still in beta.I want to improve a lot of thing and I am working hard. I hope that you can give me feedback.
You can find it on the google play:
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ilocans.miningstuff.cryptowallet Thanks and I hope you will like it
PS: Amount on screenshot are not mine, I do not own almost 8 000 000 000 Dodgecoin but I used the first address in the Top 100 Richest Addresses Dogecoin
Tips and donations welcome
Feathercoin: 6jyEsQGrVSySeNV1brb9JH1b1vPmeMYatF
LiteCoin: LgcJgVeFLiiuuhsC5rUw1cUwg15Nutds5X