I have been looking pretty seriously at the monetary problems humanity is facing right now. I propose the following to solve all misery within 10 years.
PS: I DO NOT KNOW, how to embed the video.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5oWyflYL-6MJoin the group at
https://www.facebook.com/groups/creditsystem/Q/A session ( Questions/answers that I think contribute constructively I will add to the OP )
So your approach is based only on inflation? Sure, you will get huge amounts of this currency, but it guarantees that the value will be decreased at massive rates as it is used more.
On the contrary. It completely avoids inflation and the value only depends on the person's performance. Remember if we add 1000 coins to the money supply, it is not added to one person or a bank. It is always added equally distributed to all participants. Therefore if there were 1000 members, when we add 1000 coins, each person will get 1 coin.
Therefore inflation is non-existent. For inflation to be possible, a single party must be able to print the coins ( like the banks in the current system ).
That way value is never lost ( or rather no one is cheated in the process ) , no matter how many coins you add ( or remove ), it is always done equally to each members.
This avoids the "too-big-to-fail" banking fraud. In fixxcoin you can again set up a lending practice, you can become a lender. However if you go bust ( because if irregular loans ) there is no printing machine to save you. You were an idiot... you lose. Therefore "real democracy" and "real capitalism" is ACTUALLY present in the system. And people can be more rich than others. It is only the unfair advantage 0.000000005 of people get right now. ( the secret societies and clubs ).
This is the world that current capitalist countries have been told they live in, where in reality they live in banking fraud world