So i Built this site over the passed year or so which has kept me busy helping me learn allot about the market.
Plan was to use Facebooks platform to advertise however wasn't granted a license so unable to generate the attention needed so others can benefit which also means i'm not generating any revenue. Shame since allot of time and energy has been invested with intentions of complimenting the market overall. A competitive space which is only growing as institutions begin to offer similar services, marketing is proving to be a challenge.
I was completely aware of the risks before building the site, expected however would be nice to make something in return from it, sure you can understand.
Started of as a platform to help educate family and friends without having to constantly repeat myself. Decided to take it further so others could benefit. Feeding two birds with one bowl. I'm a self employed web graphic designer, works going slow fortunately this site and few other things have kept me busy mean while. My interest in blockchain technology has only grown, no surprise! have multiple ideas however lack the finances which has also prevented me from investing into crypto since earlier 2018 as well as forex..
I'm constantly updating it so it's a working progress. At this point i'm not sure on my next move, should i invest more time and money with marketing, add content. What would you do in my position? can't help but wonder..
Got slightly carried away with the design aspect, sort of a perfectionist with my design since it has my name on it regardless of the value. Tried to make sure the information on par and upto standards focusing on quality instead of quantity. The content is all genuine, written by myself after learning from the abundance of information online
Could use some advice, wise words of wisdom from you guys after all the knowledge gained, has been from the community and on that note value your opinions.
Curious to know what you think about it? what can be done to improve, any suggestions on generating an income from it would also be great.
Have a few ideas:
- Continue to work on it - include more exchanges etc which should attract a wider audience, once market recovers
- Add more useful content, tutorials for exchanges, wallets etc refine the info, maybe package it into a small short course for £5 or so
- Offer space for coins on my site for a monthly or yearly fee - Will have to work on marketing first ofcourse, at the moment very little traffic
- Considering changing the name to one more simple and inviting for beginners. Have CoinTracer, Coin City, Coinstage and a few more
Any funds raised from this site will either be used for further development or investing back into the market as i'm keen to get into crypto now even if it involves selling this site for some quick money to focus on more exciting, challenging and rewarding ventures
I'll be visiting a few crypto event in London this week to familiarize with the community more, raising awareness
Plans are to generate some money from here to put towards starting a blockchain business, have a few ideas however timing is essential. Determined to start something big and use my full potential.
Were entering a world where we compete for creativity now days right and so new ideas are only harder to come by. Einstein said it, creativity is key. Have 2 brilliant services to offer using blockchain not being offered by anyone i'm aware off so would like to focus on that now, more of a long term, retirement project..Happy to talk more about this, however only comfortable doing so in person. Sure you can understand
Please find the website link below, as mentioned your suggestions are all welcome. If convenient you can PM
Hoping once the market gains more attention things will pick up however same time many established businesses will be offering the same service so should be interesting.. personal account on is Web Ark if it helps give peace of mine. Created this account created specifically for the website