I got my ModMiner Quad working with cgminer yesterday (with cgminer running in an Ubuntu emulator on my Mac, had trouble getting it working directly on my Mac but this works for now).
Problem is that if I leave it running for just an hour or two - the following happens:
https://gist.github.com/sanity/db5f4b7a4c2a85a133beNote that all of the MMQs seem to have failed! Any ideas what the problem is here?
My guess is that this is going to end up being something going wrong with emulation.
My recommendation(s):
1. Run Ubuntu Live off of a USB stick on your Mac -- this removes issues any possible issues with iOS and/or emulation.
2. Alternatively, run cgminer or bfgminer natively on your Mac. (If you haven't tried bfgminer, try it as well.) People do it, you just need to figure out how.
3. Alternatively, get a SBC (single-board-computer) like the RasberryPi or the BeagleBone and use that as your host.
Finally, although it isn't your problem, MMQ0 is running 10C hotter than the other chips. This isn't something you should worry about now, but you should keep an eye on it. For example, is that particular fan failing? Is that chip in the exhaust for something else?