Hey fellow investors,
I just discovered this forum and it seems that most users here really are interested in the whole topic of cryptocurrencies and such which lead me to writing this post.
So, I hope you have heard about the idea of tokenization. To put it briefly, tokens are the digital form of shares, funds, etc..
Why does the majority of people now know of the existence of tokens? Because it used to be extremely hard for normal people to invest as for most tokens it was only possible to enter them at a minimal amounts of about 100,000$.
A month ago I discovered a platform which makes it very easy for normal people to invest in tokens by negotiating with partners to get deals which make it possible to invest in the same tokens with about 100$.
Also they have their own products which unlock schoolings, webinars, and gives you an amount of their own tokens which I already made some money with.
The name of the platform is marketpeak.com and I'd highly suggest to give it a quick look but before registering I'd like you to direct message me and talk to you for a minute to explain the whole thing and give all information needed. Also I can share my very own registration link so I get a level up
I hope I can help you a little and I wish a very comfortable COVID-19 quarantine time