I have different budgets and I managed them in a different way:
-hold budget > probably the companies that I believe in the mission
-profit budget > short-mid hold
-trade budget > following swings and mostly testing new channels and strategies
have these separated budgets give me better diversification or
That's a great way of putting it. I think I've done the same by default without really planning it out that way, but it's a good way of planning.
I didn't actually mean for anything to be in my "trade budget" column originally. I even moved some things off the exchanges to offline wallets I should have left on the exchange to trade. I thought when I bought them they would be longterm holds, then I found out more about the companies and wanted to sell to buy something I liked more (either for profit or for mission). I paid so much in fees moving back and forth in just a couple weeks. I also missed the top of some tokens because I didn't realize I needed to buy some ETH for gas to be able to move anything from my wallet back to the exchange!
Now I don't presume something is in the "hold budget" column until I've actually held it over a month. But I still choose coins based on that. Stellar XLM is one such play. It's done all right for me on profit (3x in 1 month) but there are coins that have made me a lot more in a lot less time. For purely trading it isn't a good play, but I am committed to being a supporter of that company's mission and a part of its journey.
And then there's Tron TRX. I got in at .03 so even though it's given back a lot of its gains, it has still made me 5x even now. (At one point it was 10x.) That's the one I wanted to sell at .20 but couldn't get out of my wallet. I don't care about that company's mission at all, so am just looking for the right price points to move in and out of it.