Lot of people will cash out from stocks and invest into crypto.
Like a lot of people already emptied their bank accounts into it
I agree, American stocks are in a bubble. The Fed is printing more dollars every day, something to the tune of 45 billion dollars per month. American brick and mortar retailers are closing doors because they cannot compete with Amazon. Toys 'R Us filed chapter 11 before the Christmas spending season, which is alarming to say the least. We can expect toy manufacturers to suffer if Toys 'R Us decrease inventory orders or completely shuts its doors in the near future. So to say we are facing a recession or even a depression is probably correct.
Lot of people will invest in crypto, gold, and silver. I think the Bitcoin bubble will more than likely pop, but I think the BTC bear trend if it pops will recover due to the people's decreasing trust in the dollar and dollar backed fiats. I see a rise in gold and silver buying if we enter into a deflation period of American dollars, and a huge rise in crypto if the deflation period develops into a hyperinflation period. Simply because you can't buy things with gold and silver over the internet.
However if crypto does make a huge run, I wonder what buying opportunities in addition to BTC will present itself? AMD and Nvidia have a good chance of becoming leading sprinters towards a bull from the bear when the bear happens in the stock market. Especially if Bitcoin Gold is actually a legitimate thing. If Amazon decides to accept BTC this could be good for both BTC and Amazon. Also the possibility of Bitcoin ETFs is interesting.