I just launched
http://bestbuycloudmining.services ...
Don't let the name fool you! It is for search engine optimization as it is more of a bitcoin investment club. Best,Buy,Cloud,Mining,Services makes a lot of good combo keywords.
The daily $5 we currently pay out each day is funded by my 1500+ xcoins.io referrals.
Once these 100x sell, i will invest $1600 and open up $8.00 worth more of daily nickel distributions.
$18.96 = fully refundable $0.05 in bitcoin daily, open ended, minimum 1 year
This is my site and my livlihood. Once all 10,000 sell I will have $300-$500 daily surplus and will use a similar business model to sell 144,000x $0.10 contracts to raise $5,040,000 and build a 2MW wind turbine that sells its energy, and pays bitcoin dividends to its members.