Apperantly microsoft is not partner but participant .... like I wrote in another thread IOTA I think IOTA admins could have informed about this at some earlier point...
Please fact check.
A. Microsoft employee gave the Iota team the media that said "Partner." It would be weird for them to edit media not created by them.
B. Fujitsu and Bosch are much more involved and are comparable in size to MS, so why everyone is locked in on only the MS news is beyond me. You can go and check that yourself or look here Rofl Werner is the head of Fujitsu Central Europe
C. Here's a response from David on the original article
D. This was just posted on reddit, and if true, shows that this was a frightned attack by the big guns--sad if they are acting like the banks they want to replace
Research before you run your mouth and spread wild accusations and rumors--BS just gets in everyone's way.
I believe this is a coordinated smear campaign, so cross posting and getting ahead of this BS--saves me time if I only have to repost the main points.