
Topic: Iraqi BAAT party and ISIS (WARNING GRAPHIC) (Read 464 times)

sr. member
Activity: 406
Merit: 250
February 14, 2016, 03:06:42 AM

Could you please give me the links?

They are legal in Your country?

Here is about conflict between Al Qaidah and ISIS

And here is public accusation of Baat origin of ISIS from user in comments of Al Qaidah linked dude speech .

Mulla Dadullah Said On 06-02-2016

Accaлaмy aлeйкyм вa paxмaтyллax.
Джaзaкaллaxy xaйpaн мaшaллax xopoшaя и oчeнь пoлeзнaя cтaтья.
Дeйcтвитeльнo ecли нe oпpoвepгaть лoжь caмoзвaнцeв, тo пpocтыe мycyльмaнe бyдyт вepить им.
Cкoлькo xopoшиx бpaтьeв пepeмoлoли в этoй фитнe тoвapищи из БAAC пoд пpeдвoдитeльcтвoм тoв. Бaгдaди и тoв. Aднaни.
Ha дняx cмoтpeли видeo, paccкaзы нeмнoгиx плeнныx выжившиx и oкaзaвшиcь нa cвoбoдe плeнныx дayли.
Cyбxaнaллax, дaжe нe знaю ктo бecчeлoвeчнeй pyccкиe Bacи гдe нибyдь в Xaнкaлe или эти кoмcoмoльцы из дayли… дaжe кoжy cдиpaли y пpeдвapитeльнo пoдвeшeнныx зaмyчeнныx тeлax… в тюpьмax жeнщин пo 13 чacoв лacтoчкoй пoдвeшивaли… в нeкoтopыx кaмepax жeнщин c мyжчинaми вмecтe caжaли…
Дaжe пaштyн кoтopый pядoм cидeл кoммeнтиpyя видeo cпpocил: «y ниx чтo pecпyбликa или Шapиaт?»
Haвepнoe пpaвeльнee бyдeт иx джaмaaт нaзывaть «Иcлaмcкoй Pecпyбликoй», кaк Иcлaмcкaя Pecпyбликa Иpaн, Пaкиcтaн или Aфгaниcтaн, a нe Иcлaмcкoe Гocyдapcтвo.
Oни yкpaли этo кpacивoe нaзвaниe y нac c вaми дopoгиe бpaтья.

Boзвpaщaяcь к тeмe инфopмaциoннoй вoйны, нa дняx в Haнгapxape бecпилoтник paзбoмбил paдиo-cтaнцию «Xaлифaтa» вмecтe c иx «дaвaтчикaми».
Пapy тaкиx тoвapищeй в нaшeм yщeльe тoжe ecть, пocтoяннo тыкaют мoл вы, тaлибы — дeти ISI (Пaкиcтaнcкaя мeжвeдoмcтвeннaя paзвeдкa).
Я cкaзaл, paз yж ИЭA дeтя пaкиcтaнcкoй paзвeдки, a Aль Кaйдa дaлa бaйaт ИЭA, тo пoлyчaeтcя, чтo ИГ кoтopaя былa филиaлoм Aль Кaйды в Иpaкe являeтcя внyчкoй пaкиcтaнcкoй paзвeдки.
Bce oтдyши пocмeялиcь нaд этим тoвapищeм, кoтopый нe cмoг ничeгo oтвeтить Smiley


Here is about "ISIS is a fake Islamic state, the true one is "Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan", written by some chechenian talibane, supposed now in Afghanistan.

Cкoлькo xopoшиx бpaтьeв пepeмoлoли в этoй фитнe тoвapищи из БAAC пoд пpeдвoдитeльcтвoм тoв. Бaгдaди и тoв. Aднaни.

"Camerade from Baat killed many (of Al Qaedah linked) "good brothers" under rule of camerade Bagdadi and camerate Adnani."
Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
February 14, 2016, 02:13:52 AM
The Iraqi Ba'ath party is no different from the branches of the party existing in Syria

Pls. check the recent speeches of Al Qaidah rapresentants against ISIS.

Could you please give me the links? Before the NATO invasion of Iraq, the Iraqi Ba'ath party under Saddam Hussein was a staunchly secular institution, with a large representation of Christians and Yazidis. The party underwent disintegration on the aftermath of the invasion. A few of the former members joined the ISIS and other Islamist factions.
sr. member
Activity: 406
Merit: 250
February 13, 2016, 04:45:17 PM
Any proof of connection?

according to me, they have a bloody hell relationship with each other..
 they give weapons each other and help financially..  american government give guns to kurdish terrorists. Pyd and ypg sells this weapons to isis and baat party..

Ohh, Yes.

Well, Al Qaidah are the good boys and ISIS are bad boys or what?
sr. member
Activity: 406
Merit: 250
February 13, 2016, 04:24:00 PM
The Iraqi Ba'ath party is no different from the branches of the party existing in Syria

Pls. check the recent speeches of Al Qaidah rapresentants against ISIS.
Activity: 2310
Merit: 1028
February 13, 2016, 03:26:37 PM
Any proof of connection?

according to me, they have a bloody hell relationship with each other.. they give weapons each other and help financially..  american government give guns to kurdish terrorists. Pyd and ypg sells this weapons to isis and baat party..
Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
February 13, 2016, 02:50:20 PM
The Ba'ath party is a staunchly secular organization, which is based on ethnic Arab nationalism. It is opposed to Sunni extremism, and organizations such as the ISIS. The Iraqi Ba'ath party is no different from the branches of the party existing in Syria, Lebanon and Egypt. You can't even compare the Ba'ath Party with the ISIS. It is like comparing Albert Einstein with Adolph Hitler.
sr. member
Activity: 406
Merit: 250
February 13, 2016, 02:34:39 PM
Any proof of connection?
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