Is A Slow Putsch Against Putin Under Way?A quarter century after the fall of the USSR, Kremlinologists sense a putsch in the air, despite Vladimir Putin’s overwhelming approval ratings. The tea leaves say that the Kremlin elite, dubbed by some as Politburo 2.0, is currently deciding whether Putin should go before he makes a bad situation worse. The founder of the respected daily Kommersant predicts that a dramatic change is about to take place and advises Russians who have the means to leave the country for a month or so and take their children with them. I don't believe such reports.
For Russians the size and strength of their country was always more important than their own economic situation.
And housewives all around the world say "my husband's penis size is more important to me than his career or earning power."
Putin gave them just that and woke up again strong national sentiments and patriotism.
And he's hung like a horse, rides on bears, and lives with mistresses half his age in Switzerland. Yes, the Russian president is so SEXY, and that is so important for the average Russian. They may be poor, but at least they can have PRIDE
It is obvious that Putin has no serious opposition in the country at this moment.
When oil prices began to rise again, his position will further strengthen, as well as the country's economy.
Such stories are just speculation or desires of Western analysts and politicians but have no real basis.
Putin's most serious opposition is in the Western countries. But the Russians are obviously experiencing a lot of propaganda and brainwashing that "the West" is some evil enemy, rather than just people who are trying to live peacefully on the same planet.
When the West is using hot water (metaphor for oil) to take a shower, Putin is like a bullying brat who keeps playing with the other taps to make the shower uncomfortable. Yes, he's very "serious" and a "great leader".