Bitcoin has been launched as a consequence of the 2008 Crisis. Bitcoin was supposed to become an alternative to the Banking system.
To create an alternative to it, you need either a Currency or an Asset like Gold. Bitcoin was initially created and shaped in a form closer to a Currency than an Asset. But arguably, it did also have many characteristics of an Asset. I mean. Even today, it is still compared to Gold by a lot of people. This is why I think it is not LOSING its identity but instead, it is becoming simply more clear to us how it is perceived by people.
Some see it as a Currency, others as digital Gold. And I think it is fine to see these two sides. There is no thing wrong in that. I did see an increasing number of Posts asking whether Bitcoin is failing on its objective, but I think it is not failing yet at all. It is the opposite actually, it is thriving!
The only reason I would say it is slowly boiling a failure is the lack of Privacy. With so many Blockchain Analysis companies running like crazy for a way to de conspire each and every Transaction possible and to create links that should not have been created, I think this is the only way it is failing. Other wise, it is truly thriving so far and there is no identity crisis.
I think it's fine for people to see it in different lights, some want it as a store of value like gold while others are hoping it'll function as a daily currency. But you're right, the privacy issue is a big concern. With all these blockchain analysis companies out there, it's becoming harder to keep transactions truly anonymous.
I still believe bitcoin is thriving but if it can't address the privacy concerns it could lose some of its original appeal