x The website's owner is hiding his identity on WHOIS using a paid service
x We tested the email address of the registrant, but it is not working
x We tested the technical email address but it is not working
x The email address of the Administrator seems not to work
x This website does not have many visitors
x We detected cryptocurrency services which can be high risk
x Anonymous payment methods were identified on this site
Other reviews also said the same complaint, for I should consider subscribing with your exchange, the risk of problems in the future is higher.
honestly, this doesn't show much.
For a long time now, all registries offer free WHOIS, it's not a big deal since is enough just to check a box through registration.
the fact that they don't respond to emails does not show a line of professionalism, maybe even the email from the sender ended up in spam, which they didn't check in time.
the number of visits to the site is also not a measure of whether someone is honest.
I'm rather interested in how it is that all the feedbacks on the BestChange page are in Russian. even those that came from non-Russian IP addresses. looks like they used VPN for the fake positive feedback.
for example: