73C89D6C48721B86C683643B094B3222331068A13846AD3475CDBF59394CE065 = 64chars , in 64bits for sha-512bits ?
5JhH7tGFSnJSgwiqu2nzhvYJVyX2VPA97zzKfr37nPtpxgxMHGp = 51chars , within X-bits why ??
L16n9PGJknwzPJXgpev1hdKAEtTXaGoLqtx1QTSLwN3kgZqwn7Ax = 52chars , within X-bits why ??
first of all you are confusing "bit" with "number of characters". a bit is 0 or 1 and you can only count characters as bits if the string you see is written only with 0s and 1s like this: 0111001010100 then you can count and say it is 13 bits.
these strings you posted here are all in Base-58 and their number of characters can vary. it is always fixed for private keys (51 for uncompressed and 52 for compressed encoding) but a private key is fixed 256 bits or 32 bytes.
and it can be from 26 to 35 characters for an address which will always be 160 bits or 20 bytes