Before the new Default Trust system, if anyone received negative feedback, I saw some people used to gave counter positive feedback if they thought the negative feedback was not correct. As a result, the feedback score would change from Orange (Negative) to Green although the user have negative feedback.
But now, after the system change, negative remains Orange. No matter how much positive the user got. So, a counter positive feedback in response to a positive feedback does actually nothing. What is your opinion? Is counter feedback a good solution although it does not work anymore?
Feedback can be positive or negative and there are same color display for positive, and negative feedback on user profile. Colors do not depend on how many positive or negative feedback one user gets. It reduces panic on users and also reduces feedback or trust drama.
Counters are the words some people use and such probably cause drama too. You trust, I distrust the same user. You leave your positive feedback on that user, I leave a negative feedback on that user. It is totally fair if you and me have solid reasons (from our sides) to trust or distrust that user. With feedback, people usually write some words to describe why they trust or distrust one user (through their feedback). The word counter is used in such context. With the same feedback, if you don't include the word counter on yours, I believe there is less drama on it. In contrast, if you include the word counter (to someone else's feedback), there will be more drama.
I think people are free to leave feedbacks (positive or negative) based on their opinion, but should not include the word counter in their feedback descriptions.