Counterparty has an inbuilt platform for trading assets and issuing stock, dividends.
Market cap of all companies listed on
NASDAQ: 4.4 Trillion
NYSE: 14.2 Trillion
Assuming 10 years in the future 10% of those stocks are traded on Blockchain based platforms.
That would put 1860 Billion being traded on top of these platforms. (This is the networth of all the stock). However, the platform itself will only capture a portion of this networth.
Assuming 1% is captured by the platform -> that would make it 18.6 Billion.
Let's say there are other competitors and conterparty only captures 20% of the this market -> 3.7 Billion.
Right now the market cap of Counterparty < 30 Million.
So, there is theoretical basis for a 100X return or higher.
Nice post
A bit of a dream, but who knows.
Hopefully I will have keep enough of them if this day come