For some companies no amount of debt makes sense. Take Apple for example. Apple throws off so much free cashflow that the cash is piling up. There is no reason for them to borrow even a dollar long-term.
But what if you can turn that $1 into more than a dollar? I think large corporations could easily exist without lending or borrowing, but I think it would severely hamper their ability to be productive. For example --I make widgets. Each day I produce 100 widgets, and sell them each for $1 profit. There's a new widgetMaker 5000 that would double my production rate, and it costs $1000 -- I could save up for 10 days and buy it then, or borrow money, buy it now, and pay it back in 6 or 7 days...which is the better decision?
The answer to that, unfortunately depends on how much demand there is for widgets, whether or not a flood drives up the prices of my raw materials on day 2, etc. etc.
I personally think the ability to borrow is a very, very good thing.
You failed to realize the alternative method of raising funds. You could issue $1000 worth of new stock (say 100 shares @ current market price of $10 per share) buy your widget doubler on day 0 and incur no debt. If you wanted to pay it back (which the advantage of equity is you don't HAVE to) you could buy back the 100 shares with increased profits from the widget doubler.