How to earn merit?? (bad example that I wished to include deliberately, for an undeserved merited question).
Bitcoin clarification needed, please
What is Escrow?
In my opinion, only the second case could deserve merit for the question, since it showed that the OP had some background on what he was asking about, and placed the question after thinking it through with a specific well versed focus (a bit similar to your full node question), and not a generic question with no prior research.
Questions can lead to answers in the line of analysis of scenarios, comprehension, real case usage, opinion, guidance and so on, but if it is elaborated not just on its own, but rather with a context that has been researched it can, as far as I can see, postulate to being merited. Simple questions on the other hand that denote an aroma of deliberate ignorance do not, even if the answers in the thread are merited in abundance.