But it is indicated that the wallet is decentralized but I am not sure.
Has anyone used this wallet before, is it truly decentralized and it will generate seed phrase? Or it is just centralized like Coinbase.com?
With the increasing trend of NFT and metaverse, Okx launched their Web3 wallet, MetaX along with the whole portal for dApps and NFT, but weird that they branded it as 'wallet'.
Yes, they generate client-side seed phrase and you can see it while doing back-up of the wallet. Also, they claim to be truly decentralized (100% client-side wallet) however, they failed to incorporate one important feature which somewhat loosens the claim. Most of the web-based non-custodial wallets (such as MetaMask) allow the users to generate seed and derive keys and addresses from it in the offline-mode. Only sending transactions requires network connection. However, OKX wallet requires the internet connection to initialize the wallet. This may be due to a poor app design which requires APIs to retrieve the price data before wallet could be loaded but is surely a big red alert.