And any of those private keys can be used to send coins from that address.
My question is: If one key has already been used to send from an address, can the other private keys still be used to send from the same address?
Or does the blockchain check what private key has already been used, and accept only the payments signed with that private key?
Accepting only the key that has already been used, would increase security. Since it is much more difficult to find 1 key than any of 2^96 keys.
(both cases are of course extremely unlikely, but the second case is still 2^96 times more likely)
If only one private key is valid, then an address, that has a send action is safer than an address that does not have a send action. And reusing an address is the safest choice. (at-least before quantum computers)
How is it? The wiki is not clear about this.
No, why would it be? Why is it something that you think about, if you think that you are in that much danger, then you do not have to use crypto, there is still a huge world of people out there using FIAT and they are doing just fine. Fear is the thin that makes you guys do stupid things and that is how the markets get so up and down, but it makes the rest of us rich, so either way, go for it. But for you, if you are that scared, just do something else.