Is there any evidence to prove this? I don't know why the super-powers are doing this. The Americans and their allies arming the ISIS in Syria, and Russia arming the Taliban in Afghanistan. Where is this going to end?
Where is russia?
As you can see there are nothing, 150millions people scattered accross a giant climatic harsh forest. What ever they have, the rest of the world has even more, then add 70% of the earth being covered in water and that bottom sea mining is just begining and space mining needs to jump start. It's easy to bypass entierly this russian giant.
Then there is a profound hate for americans in russia. Russians were the rulers of most of eastern europe, imposing their will, imunity for their crimes, deciding how other people would leave... the mercantile empire used them and smashed them to the ground. They have this hate.
China on the other hand had some very powerful internal conflict concerning a plant, whoch lead to a bad episode in the integration, then thing changed, america defeated the insane japanese policiy and help(ed) china bloom!
So while china choices are perfectly inline with a sensible and rational (with bump along the way, quickly transitioned) mercantile expansion (like myanmar) where mutual win win economic developpement can take place... russia try to exist and chose hate and violence to fight the mercantile empire.
China can look back at 5000 years of recorded history, while not long ago russian were living in huts...
The original silk road is rome to chinese capital... there is no mention of anything russian.
Furthermore some smart chineses move to usa, but there is the chinese dream at home too... what's the russian dream? Best buddies with assadists and iranists? LOL
Where are my pork dumplings...and if you want to look at this history of alcoholic beverage in china prepare to die before the end...
Apprently the afghans start to think that it's the russian who arms talibans...
Then let's break some russian propaganda... isis or alnusra or easiest called the sunni tribes (from the worst of humanity to simple revolutionaries) have not emerged with america. It's the oldest war in the world and only the return of 2 guys will bring a settlement to it.descendants or not.
For me it's clear that by limiting the kalifat of the humma to a descendant is contrary to the message. Simply put it denies to some great men and may force them under the servitude of wrong ones.
So then you have irak who got shia controlled, with the fuy behaving not optimally toward sunnis... the assad going rampage against sunnis... no need for american to see what will happen.
Do you know the arabian desert where the oldest war started? It makes a long time they extract something from it... and do you know that they too are mainly sunnis? How do you think they reacted seeing the bloodbaths going on in syria...
Then obama said: assad must go, but doesn't want to engage american regular troops (1hour and assad is gone), so what the miic to do? The president...
Then israel is at war with assad, whose regime wants to exterminate all israelis...
Don't forget the real supporter of isis are the russian and syrian forces, they use and help them while exterminating all non jihadis opposition to assad (those were their biggest ennemy) and as thex have achieved their goal they now turn on the jihadis...
But again we are in afghanistan here.
The simple fact that there is this diversion attempt reinforce this presumption that russia is arming talibans to kill americans...
Why wouldn't they? It fit perfectly the strategy followed until now? They knew that obama team was stupid enough to believe that it would not be the case... not because they were stupid but because they believed in their greatness and that everyone saw them as the savior, and only herectic libertarian teapartiers and conservative were wrong.
Once proved, and it will be hard and messy, lot of water will flow, but then it's plaoc meet usa amry for serious talk...
Russia kills americans by providing weapons to talibans and as such slow return to peace and stability in afg.
Thanks for reading...