Correct. You can't think.
Watch and learn.
Next time you'll read what I wrote.
I already debunked this nonsense thread of yours.
But all you said were copy and pasting all your theories and arguments of what you think. Those cannot be proven until it is done in practice. How is that debunking the question if Segwit is really necessary?
The point of the question is if it is necessary now with the current usage of LTC. It will be an improvement I am sure. But is it necessary from the point of view of a user?
You first have to ask yourself, how is it being used now? Why do we need Segwit now to open the roads to a Lightning Network?
Litecoin has one and only one chance to ever get SegWit activated now while LTC is extremely undervalued (because this means miners can form a 75% consensus on rising the price, which won't be otherwise be possible due to the crab bucket game theory that John Nash designed into Satoshi's PoW). That window of opportunity will close and due the crab bucket mentality that Satoshi designed into PoW and never be possible again in the future.
Without off chain LN, there is no other way to scale Satoshi's PoW. I've refuted all the other technological BS such as larger blocks and Xthin.
Bitcoin will NEVER get scaling.
Litecoin MUST get scaling NOW. And it will. And it will receive all the transaction rate scaling that Bitcoin will NEVER be able to do.
Please don't make me explain this again.
A very interesting article at Business Insider that worth reading:
I originally thought BTC might top out below $50k.
But now that I understand that BTC will be exclusively only the settlement layer for the mass scaling which will take place in altcoins, I now think his analysis may be correct.
All the power broker settlement will likely to be on the Bitcoin blockchain which will be the bulk of the fungible capital generated by the masses on the altcoins as dictated by the power-law (Zipf's law) distribution of wealth. Thus Bitcoin is the reserve currency of all the altcoins.
This is why one must stay invested in this sector. Note I do think the altcoins that scale up the masses will see faster appreciation than BTC in spurts, so that is one of way of increasing one's BTC if you are expert at speculation. Otherwise buy and hodl BTC.