According to what I read on coindesk, I found it easy that to set up a lightning node will not be difficult. According to the write up, these are what needed:
The equipmentsRaspiBlitz is specialized software that will automate many of the steps that go into creating our node, helping users to build their own. Once the node is all set up, the RaspiBlitz software will pull up a graphical interface for using the node – for making payments with it, for instance. Finally, RaspiBlitz also offers a set of detailed instructions, which we’re going to follow in this article to get our Bitcoin and Lighting nodes up and running.
The first step in building any Bitcoin node is to buy the equipment. Fulmo offers a package of this equipment for 269 euros (worth about $322 at time of writing). However, users can opt to buy their own pieces instead. The RaspiBlitz instructions suggest that users purchase the following:
A Raspberry Pi ($66 for version 4): This is a pocket-sized computer that powers the Lightning node. (Computers have certainly evolved since the ENIAC, which weighed 50 tons, about 10 times as much as an elephant.)
Power supply: USB-C, 5V, >=3A ($10)Storage: A MicroSD card (~$10) for holding the RaspiBlitz software and a 1 terabyte SSD hard drive (~$100) for storing all the Bitcoin data. (Spoiler alert: There's a lot of data. And it'll grow if a node is up and running for long.)
Protective gear: A case ($10) for the SSD will keep the data safe from bumps. A heatsink case ($15) for the Raspberry Pi will keep it from overheating.
An LCD screen 3.5" RPi Display, GPIO connection, XPT2046 Touch Controller ($25): Once it's set up, this screen will show a little bit about the node, including the address it uses to connect to other nodes. This is a key piece that sets RaspiBlitz apart from other Lightning nodes. questionsThe question is that biitcoin lightning node setup is not hard but is it profitable?
In this kind of setup, to be specific, what can be the profit of someone that setup the node?