Recently Venezuela has launched the Petro, a sovereign crypto backed by the country’s oil. Previously, Mexico approved sweeping blockchain and crypto framework which will see the promulgation of industry wide regulation. Also, the marshal island is issuing its own sovereign crypto coin.
Does this mean that countries in the developing world are beginning to take blockchain and cryptocurrencies serious technology of the future?
It means just some 3rd world countries that don't even have toilet paper are trying to find a magic unicorn to present it to their starving population.
Who gives a damn about Venezuela?
Coin backed by oil? Isn't their entire currency backed by oil and it's still worthless?
Marshal Islands?
First they are not located in South America! (neither is Mexico!!).
Secondary, their entire country has a population of 50k. There are more fast food workers in NY than poeple on that island.
so i think OP is on to something here. a lot of these countries like Venezuela,... can potentially become big in blockchain technology and by extension bitcoin will flourish in these countries as the original and the decentralized version of it all.
Yeah, let's compare a bit what you think with the reality
Developed countries...Japan, Us, Canada, South Korea, the EU.
Developing countries...India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Vietnam, ... whatever.
Which of those have more business related to crypto, more merchants accepting crypto?
Has any developed country banned crypto?
Besides that,
Venezuela wants a centralized crypto, they are no remotely interested in bitcoin.