This isn't chart or market depth analysis, just a look at long term perspective.
I always look at log charts when trading anything, not because exponential growth looks like a straight line (though that's useful), not because it makes high values seem close (though that's fun), but because equal vertical distances represent equal percentage changes, which is more useful in trading than linear distances.
With that said, look at the long term path Bitcoin has traded at over on Bitstamp since 2012:
See that purple oval highlighting the last two candles? That's our current rally. Not only is it nothing so far compared to the giant bubbles of 2013, but it's peanuts even compared to the other two major run-ups since the bull run started in late 2015.
Granted, each of those did have some correction after reaching the top of their respective rallies, but the price still leveled off significantly higher than where it started. If this is merely the third of such mini-hypes on this bull run, we're still going a ways up before this is over.
And this is just my gut about a different topic, and I could be wrong, but I feel this may turn out to be a bit more significant of a rally than the last two.
Edit: The snapshot was taken when Bitstamp first hit $910.