The full balance data isn't given on the latest balance sheet:
..However, since the investigation of the status of holdings of BTC is still on-going,
such List of Assets and Balance Sheet do not contain BTC held by the bankrupt entity,
or claims for return of BTC (which constitute the bankruptcy claim)..
However, we can still look at the best info we have and make some guesses:
For the the cash side from their document, they have $13,492,903 (1,615,957,277 JPY) but have expected debts of $72,911,955 (8,732,190,301 JPY), so we would only get about a fifth back if it were that alone.
However, we also have the bitcoin side. They said they have about 202,159.34061488 BTC, and with a little digging they have
approximately 750,000 BTC from traders. So if they distribute funds out after two years, the BTC debt values would be measured at $542.70/BTC which puts the additional debt cash value at $407,000,000.
Thus, it looks like the total debts to be distributed will be around $480 million if everybody files, and they have about $13.5 million plus about 200,000 BTC to pay for it.
Assuming the above, here's how it would play out if they kept the BTC as BTC, nothing more was retrieved or spent, and they cashed out the BTC to pay the debts at different closing prices:
$100/BTC --> $43.5 million payout | 11% cash back | 435,000 BTC payout | 49.1% BTC back
$250/BTC --> $63.5 million payout | 13% cash back | 254,000 BTC payout | 28.7% BTC back
$500/BTC --> $113.5 million payout | 23.6% cash back | 227,000 BTC payout | 25.6% BTC back
$1000/BTC --> $213.5 million payout | 44.5% cash back | 213,500 BTC payout | 24.1% BTC back
$2000/BTC --> $413.5 million payout | 86.1% back | 207,000 BTC payout | 23.4% BTC back
$2500/BTC --> $513.5 million payout | 107.0% back | 205,000 BTC payout | 23.2% BTC back
Note: I'm not sure if they'd payout cash percentages over 100%