Then buy a laptop. I guess it would permanently solve your problem. If you don't want to let them know what you do, then do not show and let them hand your phone and that is the end of the case.
I have a laptop. It's a bit to cumbersome and I can't go with a small one because slow computers annoy me...
I do apologize but I don't really get the point why would you need to hide what you do with your cryptocurrency activities.
I just said: because people take the piss.
There are certain words or phrases I would love censored/changed on such browser. So that whenever the words is posted, the poster automatically get blocked, the word deleted or changed.
This feature should exist both for mobile and pc... would probably be easier on open source browsers?
I think firefox was fully open-sourced in around '95 so it should be easy if someone has the time on their hands and fancies doing this?