Since the early days of launch, Zcash had a market price well above $2k per coin. Popularity/hype faded away and now it's sitting in the "double digits". With many improvements made on the network lately (like removing the need for a trusted setup, among others), ZEC should've been among the top ranks in market cap by now.
I never trust altcoins, they will come and go, too many top 10 alt coins have disappeared since 2012, only a few have survived like xrp, eth, xlm, and even then it's time for them to disappear too like zcash, at least the price has dropped a lot. I got into alcoin too but only for the short term, the long term I keep is still bitcoin.
What happened? Do you think Zcash's downfall had to do anything with being a privacy coin? Or is it something else? Do you believe there's still hope for the project? Your input would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much.
and it seems like the era of coin privacy is over.