Instead of doing all these, why not just try a mixer?
Hi there, some newbie questions,
I have reading a lot about the LN as an alternative to coinjoin and get non-kyc bitcoin. I have some sats in binance and, if I understand well, this setup should work:
binance > (on-chain) > phoenix > (LN) > breez (LN) > fixedfloat (on-chain) > Blockstream Green > (on-chain) HW
Using LN for this specific task doesn't guarantee you the privacy that you expect, still the destination of your funds can be deduced if not tracked either you are moving via LN or on chain from Binance since Binance knows the node ID from the invoice you generated.
1- is it really necessary to use on-chain to transfer from binance to phoenix? should I use the LN option already offered by binance? (I'm afraid that, somehow, using LN from binance will give them more control over my future transactions).
It is not necessary to move via onchain since Phoenix wallet allows you to generate the LN on it's own will let you to save the withdrawal fee and no, moving via LN doesn't give them control over your funds it just give them the logs.
I guess that, if I move on-chain from binance to phoenix, the initial fund required by phoenix to open a channel would be subtracted from this transfer. But, if it's better to use the LN option from binance, I would fund phoenix's channel creation with an external transfer from a non-kyc wallet and non-kyc bitcoin I have. Could this action "compromise" my non-kyc wallet/bitcoin because technically I would "mix" non-kyc with kyc bitcoin? The same could apply to breez, since I would need to fund it with my non-kyc bitcoin (although I don't know if the LN transferred to breez [in my above example] will be already non-kyc enough. I included breez in the equation in case another hop is useful here).
Like I said Binance can know the destination of your funds to some extend so either way you won't get the complete privacy and mixing the coins received from Binance with your non KYCed funds is bad idea, it's just better keep them separately and only use the KYCed coins in this process to enhance your privacy.
Fixed float will swap your bitcoin with someone else's so why not just bring it to up the order
Binance=> swap=>LN=>Wallet/HW that is much better and saves you two steps.