Can I have both these outputs in the same transaction?
amount1: 1.2 address: 1Ant11EeZU7V49puUeLsDvbUUi9HS5xSg2
amount2: .2 address: 1Ant11EeZU7V49puUeLsDvbUUi9HS5xSg2
There can be cases where this is desirable also, for instance if you need confirmed outputs to spend, it helps you to create more outputs you can spend - so you don't have to do just one transaction per hour.
That is very intersting and it contrasts with what I was saying above (that this wouldn't be desirable because of UTXO bloat and bigger transaction sizes). I think I see your point, though, that if you had joined this into one output and you spent half of it you'd have to wait for that transaction to confirm before attempting to spend the other half from a change address.
Here's a whale playing with the concept:
Oooh, lotsa (half-)bitcoins! Much wow!